I know that it's not quite as significant as if we had done it before ToC was released. I know that the gear we've obtained from ToC has made the achievements easier to some extend. However, I am still very proud and happy that it is now complete.
The fact of the matter is that Yogg +1 is not an easy fight. Neither is Firefighter, Freya +3 and several other Ulduar hard modes. For most guilds these are not fights that you can walk in and watch them fall down. Completing this acheivement was the result of a lot of hard work and trying to squeeze Ulduar time into our ToC schedule.
Grats to everyone that got drakes, and thank you to everyone that helped me get mine.
The fact of the matter is that Yogg +1 is not an easy fight. Neither is Firefighter, Freya +3 and several other Ulduar hard modes. For most guilds these are not fights that you can walk in and watch them fall down. Completing this acheivement was the result of a lot of hard work and trying to squeeze Ulduar time into our ToC schedule.
Grats to everyone that got drakes, and thank you to everyone that helped me get mine.
Grats! you definitely deserve it.
Gratz ! It's not an easy meta.
gratz Graylo. Hm how do you find time to raid while writing all those articles ? :D
Gratz man, now go kill Anub!
Grats :)
I have all the hardmodes done, but am missing the 'easy' achievements like Crazy Cat Lady and Iron Dwarf.
Finding an Ulduar run at this point in the game is nearly impossible~!
Grats & props to anyone that takes the time to get that achivement done. Even if someone doesn't complete it in the first wave, it still represents a dedicated pursuit of something that continues to be difficult in Wow.
Grats Graylo =)
Grats! now for Algalon. ^^
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