Thursday, May 3, 2012

Graylo is Legendary

I've been working on my legendary for six months with four different guilds, and the day that I get one is finally here. After playing this game for +5 years I doubted that I would get one since I have had so many guild issues this expansion. Needless to say I'm quite excited and can't wait to get into my next DS run.

Of course, there are many people I need to thank for helping me getting it. First and foremost, I need to thank all of my guildies at Resurgence. After having such a tough year guild wise, it's nice to finally find a good home to raid with. I should also thank two of my previous (and now defunct) guilds Equilibrium and Adrenaline for helping me get the some of the embers.

Finally, special thanks are owed to Skunkworks on Balnazzar. They allowed me to go on several of their runs to pick up the cinders. They are a great guild and recruiting a moonkin. If your looking for a guild, give them a shot. If Resurgence wasn't such a great guild I would be applying their myself.


mashinmaro said...


i just got mine today too :3

Berdache said...

Congratulations and welcome to the big blue dragon club :)

Jay said...

Congrats man. :)

Alvaro said...

Congratulations, you deserved it

Ormden said...


And incidentally, if you can do this, I'm sure you can also nail the difference between you're/your and there/their.

Eshua said...


Now quick, transfer again so you can join my guild, I'm the only legendary moonkin left of three...Everyone wants to monk it up for Mists

Tsunami said...

Grats <3

Let us know how much of a difference you see it making realistically.

I retired my Moonkin in Ulduar but still love your blog, I keep meaning to give my feathery friend a breath of new life.

Unknown said...

Grats I'll get mine this Wed :D

Anonymous said...

OMG you and me got the legendary in the same lockout! And on the same day! Awwww!

~Lazurturkey of Illidan