Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Graylo is about to be Twisted

I have been invited to participate in the live Twisted Nether blog cast this Thursday at 11:30 pm CDT. Since I am one of those people that has a hard time not expressing his opinion even when it's not asked for, how could I possibly turn them down.

Anyway, I am looking forward to it. I assume we will be talking about all things Moonkiny, the latest patch and maybe a little about me. I know that is pretty late for a lot of people in the US, but if you would like to participate in the in the show or just tease me about wiping a raid, please feel free to come. You can find the details on how to participate here.

I just want to say thanks to Fimlys, Breana, and Nibuca for having me. It should be a lot of fun.


Phil said...

I unfortunately cannot attend as my work computer, yes I work 3ed shift, will not allow me to view the web cast. If it is possible could you post some of the transcript on your page after the interview?


~Gargen of Vek’nilash

Anonymous said...

Usually, you can download the blogcasts afterwards on the website.

Lissanna said...

They recorded the blog cast.

So, you should be able to listen once it's up.