Monday, December 31, 2007
The Holidays and Life without WoW.
The first is a search tool that I can't remember the name of. It listed people that had linked to my blog. More experianced bloggers are probably laughing at me right now and thinking something along the lines of me being a noob. Well, I am. I still can't get the Item Link thing to work that was pointed out to me a month ago. Anyway, I was quite supprised at how many people had found the blog. Its not a lot but more than I expected. Thanks to everyone for the links and positive comments. They are appreciated. Now if I could just find the search again. Apperently google on my dad's computer is different then google on my computer.
The second is two posts on Adventures in Azeroth dealing with Account/Gold selling and tanking money for blog posts. Here are the posts: First and second. The posts are kind of old so I thought posting on my blog made more sense then posting a comment on his. The posts touched on three topics: 1. Taking money for a blog entry, 2. Account Selling, and 3. Gold Selling.
1. Taking money for a blog entry: Amanna was very up front and said that he was paid to make a post about an Account Auction site, but as several other people did I have a bit of an issue with it. I don't think any of us should confuse blogging with actual journalism, but nobody likes to be fead a line of bull. Amanna's post did seem to be a very balanced view of the site, and I don't have a negative opinion of him or his blog. However, any time you admit that you were paid to make a post you have to wonder what the conditions where, and what might have been left out. Having an ad on the margin of the blog would have been ok in my opinion, but doing anything that looks like you selling your voice or maybe you opinion isn't a good idea. All that being said, Amanna says that he donated the payment to charity, so don't stop reading his blog.
These next to topics are very similar so I will get one point out of the way. I think Blizzard is doing the right thing to try and prevent Gold/Account selling. Both activities hurt the integrity of the game and would probably destroy WoW if allowed to go on unchecked by Blizzard. That being said I am not a 100% opposed to buying gold or selling an account. Here is a closer look.
2. Account Selling: First off, I think Amanna is wrong about Blizzards view of selling accounts. Allowing someone to permanently transfer an account is different then selling an account. There are several situations where it is perfectly reasonable to transfer an account or an individual toon. The main one being family members sharing an account. While blizzard cannot prevent money from changing hands or research each transfer, this doesn't mean that they allow accounts to be sold.
My opinion on the subject depends on who is buying the account. If you are new to the game or even to the class, buying an account is like using a cheat code in my opinion. Your not really experiencing the game and are not really interested in playing it. It takes time to learn the game and the class, and that is best done at lower levels. On the other had what if you have already leveled 5 toons to 70, and are buying a toon of a class you have already played? I have heard of several situations where someone wants to play with friends but can't because they play a different faction or on a different type of server. I have also heard of people buying a toon on the same server so that they can have one of a different spec without respecing ever few days. This is ok in my opinion because it doesn't hurt the integrity of the game much if at all. Finally what about selling my account? I have put a lot more time into this game than I would like to admit. What is wrong with trying to get a little of the money back? If you know you arn't coming back, recouping some of the cost isn't that big of a deal in my opinion as long as you let your guild and friends know.
3. Gold Selling: Mostly I think buying gold is just stupid. I don't know who the typical gold buyer is but I assume that most of them are just don't want to spend the time farming it. Buying gold is expensive and if you don't want to spend the time to farm the gold you need then you probably won't be playing the game long. Mainly, it is just a waste of money in my opinion. The only exception that I can think of is for some hardcore raiders. Raiding can be very expensive and I can understand how some people would have the time to raid or farm but not both. If high end raiding is what you enjoy but have to many RL commitments to do every thing that is needed to support raiding, then buying a little gold isn't a big issue in my mind.
Anyway, that is it for now. Thanks again to everyone that reads my blog and has linked it. There is no toon update this post since they haven't done anything.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Making Gold with Alchemy
I have never thought of Alchemy as a big money maker. Most of the time, if I priced the mats on the AH they were just as expensive as the pots and elixirs on the AH. So whats the point. I might as well sell the mats, since they will have more buyers. However, in an effort to make my final discovery I thought of an obvious way to make money. As someone who graduated with a degree in Econ and has an MBA I am kicking myself for not thinking of it sooner. Here are the key points.
Making Money with Alchemy tips.
1. Only sell 2 herb pots. The average consumer doesn't know the difference between a 2 herb pot and a 3 herb pot. Therefore, 3 herb pots make 2 herb pots look cheap. For example, a 5 stack of [Elixir of Major Agility] will sell for 15g - 20g but it requires 1 Terocone and 2 Felweed. [Elixir of Draenic Wisdom] on the other hand will sell for 13g-15g, but requires 1 Terocone and 1 Felweed. You will generally make less gold per stack but you will get more gold per herb. I only sell [Elixir of Draenic Wisdom], [Adept's Elixir], and [Elixir of Healing Power] and do quite well.
2. Know your Customers. Casual players don't use that many consumables. Raiders use a ton of consumables. Casual players tend to play on the weekends and put their craftables on the AH on weekends. Raiders on the other had play more during the week when fewer people are putting stuff up on the AH. The main raiding nights are Monday - Thursday. I only put elixirs up on the AH in those nights. There is to much competition Friday - Sunday with not enough demand.
3. Procrastinate when you sell. Your buyers would be smart to buy their pots and elixirs over the weekend when they are cheaper but they tend to procrastinate. So, you should do the same. I generally put them on the AH between 5pm and 6pm server. Doing it early give you a greater chance of being under cut. If you post them later you could miss out on customers because most raids start between 6 and 8pm.
4. Don't Procrastinate when you buy. Raiders are not stupid. They would rather buy the mats to get procs from the Alchemy masteries. As a result the mats on sale just before raid times are few and expensive. I find that the best time to buy mats is in the morning between 6 and 8 am, after the late night farmers go to bed. Weekends can be good also, but the real key is to periodically look at the AH multiple times per day. Not everyone knows what their mats are worth.
5. Masteries. This is obvious I know, but stay with in your mastery if you can. I think Elixirs is the best mastery for money, but pots can be good to. Transmute mastery can make you a lot of money but it is very feast and famine due to the 23 hour cooldown. I recommend against it.
6. Be Patient. My strategy won't work everyday, or for every pot or elixir. Check the AH before you put stuff up for auction. What are the pots currently selling for? What are the mats selling for? If it isn't a good market that night don't post them. If their are a couple stacks posted below their market value then buy them and repost them. If their are a lot posted below their value then ignore that market for the day. The prices will go back up. I have seen it many times where their are over a hundred Draenic Wisdom Elixirs on the AH but no Healing Power elixirs. Don't sell the Draenic Wisdom for a discount when you could sell the Healing Power for a premium. As a side note, holidays are a bad time also. There are a lot more casuals on and raiders will play less. However, it is a good time to stock up on mats.
Using this strategy you should make a decent amount of cash with little work or farming. It will also help you get more discoveries since you will me making hundreds of pots per week.
P.S. The most obvious way to make money with Alchemy is to transmute Earth to Water, since earth generally goes for 3 to 5 gold and Water goes for 15 to 20 gold. Get your Sporggar rep up to Revered and start doing this transmute daily. It is the easies 10 to 15 gold you will ever make.
Toon Update:
Graylo - He has been raiding all over the place. The guild downed 4 bosses again on Tuesday. Wednesday we got down Leo, but didn't have enough time for Vashj. Thursday, we didn't have the right type of people for Vashj again so we did Gruul's, Mag, and Kazzik. I also got into ZA a little bit, but didn't get any drops. I finally got into some good attempts on Hex Lord, but we didn't get him down. We didn't have an optimal group for it and he kept healing himself despite us getting him down to 3%. It is really frustrating since he has several awesome drops that I want. I as also a little bummed that the Dagger didn't drop off of Dragonhawk because I realized that I was the only one in raid that wanted it. Its not that great of weapon for a Warlock since it has no stam but does have Mp5. The Mage in the group really wanted the Haste sword off of Zul'jin, and there wasn't a shadow priest in the group. If it had dropped I would have gotten it without competition.
Graypal - He isn't 63 yet but he is about two bars away. I hope I can get some time on him tonight to use up is rested XP before I go see my parents for a week, but it will probably be tough.
Grayfel - Still 15. He doesn't have much rested xp right now but I will try and burn through it also. It shouldn't be hard.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Another Good Tuesday
The great news of the night for me was I got my T5 legs, [Nordrassil Wrath-Kilt]. I also completed the Nightbane summoning quest recently and had the 6 damage and 6 Stam gem to put in them. Using these legs right now will lower my damage a little but, but I gain a lot of Mp5. Plus, the extra crit instead of hit will be nice once I can get the one or two of the drops that will hit cap me. Most importantly this brings me one piece closer to the amazing 4 piece set bonus that increases Starfire damage by 10 when MF or IS is on the mob. I did get the two piece set bonus with item but it reduces the cost of Regrowth when you shift out of Moonkin form. Since I don't use regrowth or heal often this bonus sucks.
I have also been picking up a lot of Feral and Resto gear lately. Here are some of the things I have gotten.
[Boots of Effortless Striking] - Lurker in SSC
[Helm of Natural Regeneration] - Dragonhawk in ZA (Damn thing has dropped 3 times)
[Girdle of Treachery] - Chess in Kara
[Moroes' Lucky Pocket Watch] - Moroes in Kara
[Shining Chain of the Afterworld] - Netherspite in Kara
I really need to put together a list of all my Feral and Resto gear. So that I know what the holes are and I need to figure out which are the best pieces.
Feedback Followup: In my last post I didn't finish explaining the 5 specific abilities that need attention. So here it is from most important to least important.
- Melee for Mana: I will admit there are select times that his ability has been useful. The only times I can remember using it are for Tidewalker and Fathom-Lord. However, for the most raid situations it is useless. Most bosses have AoE or Cleave attacks that make meleeing risky plus it dramatically reduces your DPS. I would love to see this mechanic replaced by something like Improved Leader of the Pack where the moonkin and his party members either receive mana or save mana on their next spell when they crit. I think this would help with our mana issues and increase our raid utility.
- Indoor CC: Not having this really limits our desirability when running instances. Lets face it. There are a lot of bad players out there that rely heavily on CC to get them through instances. You don't know how many times I have tried to get into a pug only to be told that they need a mage for CC. I agree that no healer should have a strong viable CC, but if you made it an upgrade deep in the balance tree I don't think it would be an issue.
- Improved Fairie Fire: Don't get me wrong, I really like this talent and think it is highly underrated by most moonkin. However, its not really a moonkin talent and loses its value in the higher levels of raiding. Though I would hate for moonkin to lose any of their raid viability, I would suggest moving this to the feral tree or changing it in some way to buff Caster DPS also.
- Subtlety: I would love to have more points in this talent. I don't have large issues with threat but any kind of reduction is a good reduction. Its problem though is its place in the talent tree. It max it out moonkin are basically forced to spend 18 points in the resto tree. Also, moonkin are forced to waste points in talents that are of little benefit to us or the raid as it is. In my opinion there are two ways to fix it. Either move the talent to the second tier of the resto tree or split it in to two talents and put the damage treat reduction in tier 2 of the Balance tree. Either of these solutions would reduce the number of wasted talent points and give us much needed threat reduction.
- Force of Nature: I like my trents, but these guys are idiots. If you miss place the summon then they don't attack the mob and run back to you. They can also attack targets other than the one you intended. Having some sort of pet bar would be nice.
- This wasn't in my Blizzard post, but I also think that Druids need an out of combat rez. Druids in the Tree of Life form should be able to cast Healing Touch. And for gods sake, fix the kitty ranged bug.
Well that's it. There isn't anything else to report toon wise that hasn't already been said.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Feedback Requested
However, last week US Blizzard decided to give it a try. WOOT!!
I do not envy the person(s) that have to compile it all as it is already 44 pages long. Plus, I have read quite a few posts that show the poster really wants to play a mage or has very little idea of how moonkins work.
Here is my post, but a couple of things before I get into it. I really tried to stay with in the format provided by Blizzard. As a result, I wrote a lot less than I normally would have. Also, I am not one of those moonkin that think moonkin should be mages or warlocks or Shadow Priest or Elemental Shaman. I think we should have similar abilities since our roles are similar, but I also think there should be distinct differences that make us viable and desirable. Here is my post:
"Primary talent tree: Balance
Content you're primarily pursuing: Raiding
Areas most in need of improvement:
- Raid Utility: Moonkin utility is very lacking when compared to the raid utility of other hybrid classes. The 5% crit is nice but a little underwhelming 3% melee hit is rarely used, Insect Swarm hurts tank rage generation, and Innervate and B-rez are very situational.
- Wasted Talent points. Moonkin are forced to spend 3 points in Nature's Grasp, Control of Nature, and Brambles. All three have very little or no use in raiding.
- Balance Idols: The are either very specific and only useful in one style of play, nurfed with a internal cooldown that makes older idols better, or two broad to provide any value.
- Melee for Mana: A situational ability that can be very hazardous to your health. Most bosses have AOE or Cleaves that make melee risky. Moonkin are Casters and should be treated as such. Having a mana regen mechanic similar to Improved Leader of the Pack would be a good idea.
- Indoor CC: Having I high level Balance talent that allowed roots to be cast indoors or extended the length of Cyclone would work.
- Improved FF: A really hard talent to justify at the higher levels of raiding. Either move it to the feral tree, or have it buff caster damage.
- Subtlety. Should be split into two talents that reduce threat. A damage threat reduction in Tier 2 of the balance tree and a Healing threat reduction, or move the entire talent to tier 2 of the resto tree.
- Force of Nature: They are not controllable and if they do not have anything to attack then the quit, even if another mob comes up later. "
- From my perceptive our Raid Utility is our biggest problem. This is not to say that moonkin don't currently have raid utility, just that we lack the type of utility that makes people say lets get a moonkin in here. Mages and Locks have CC and some decent buffs. Elemental Shaman have great buffs and can do pretty good damage. Shadow priests have good damage, good debuffs, and give all party members mana. Now what do moonkin bring to the table? Five precent crit, 2% avoidance on the tank,3% hit to melee, an additional B-rez, and an innervate. These are nice, but when you compare it to the other hybrid classes it loses its shine. Really what would your rather have? From a Elemental shaman you could get 100+damage, 3% crit, and 3% Hit, and other totems. From a Shadow priest your get tons of mana, 5% caster damage raid wide, and 10% shadow damage raid wide. Moonkin are nice, but if you have to chose between one of these classes for a raid, the moonkin is going to loose out.
- I have mentioned this before in other posts but I hate the fact that I have to put three points in Natures Grasp, Control of Nature, or Brambles. I am not a huge fan of these talents in most situations but I can see their value in PvP. However, in raiding they are practically useless. This would be ok if I didn't want other talents, but I could use a few more points in Subtlety, and I have always hated giving up Celestial Focus. I hope that they come up with some way to adjust the tree that allows me to better spend these points without increasing the number of points needed in other talents.
- Moonkin Idols/Relics is our last real itemization issue. There has always been quite a bit of good cloth available and with the new badge rewards no raiding moonkin have should have serious gear issues. However, I am not a big fan of the idols. Even our new "Epic" idol is barely better than the blue starfire idol, and will be worse once they put a cooldown on it. Also, I realize that I can switch idols when casting but I have not come up with a way to avoid the global cooldown while doing it.
I think this is it for now. I will come back and give my thoughts on the Specific ability changes I proposed later. Here is a quick Toon update also.
Graylo - Just raiding and trying to get badges. I did get his Fishing up to 300 yesterday while waiting for the raid to start. So I won't have to go to Moonglade anymore to fish.
Graypal - Has been resting. I did get his Tailoring up to 340 though so I can make any type of bag I need now. I have kind of lost interest in him. I don't know why I ever thought it but I realize that I am not going to raid him at least until the expansion. Since he can now DE anything I need him to and can make any bags or cloth things I need would realistically need him to I have little need to level him up. I still plan on getting him to 70 but it may be slow.
Grayfel - He is coming along. He is up to level 14 now. And is much more interesting. And is getting the little free time I have. I think it helps that he has a gathering profession, not to mention the fact that I could level him really quickly if I sat down and dedicated the time to it.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Leo is more than Blind.
Things have gone really well since my post two days a go. First off, the guild killed 4 bosses on Tuesday night. That is amazing. Unfortunately I wasn't there because I had some family come into town but I have a little info. From what I understand they one shoted both Lurker and Tidewalker, two shotted Fathom-Lord, and three shotted Hydross. This is really great for the guild and shows what we are capable of.
Wednesday we headed to take on Leo and got him down in 4 or 5 attempts including another 1% wipe. The first two phases are not that hard, you just have to watch your agro and try and not get hit. The third phase where he splits though is really hectic, and gets really hard to watch aggro. It will be interesting to see how this fight goes in the weeks ahead, because I think we still have some learning to do.
Anyway, hopefully we will be able to maintain this kind of progress and get a lot of attempts in on Vashj. We did take her on a couple of times after leo, and made a little bit of progress. It is clear though that we have a long way to go. We were able to get trough phase one without much trouble. It is really just a coordinated tank and spank. The second phase kind of blows my mind and I think it is going to take a while to master it. For those of you that don't know at 70% Vashj runs to the center of the platform and puts up a shield. You cannot do damage directly to her in this phase, but she will shoot lightning bolts at random people. Also, Elementals will start spawning from the edge of the platform and try and get to her. Each elemental that kills her will buff her damage by 5%. These elementals are very week and have no aggro but are there are a lot of them. On top of this she spawns two elite mob about every minute, one has to be kited and DPSed down from range, and one that is a normal tank and spank. And this phase can go on indefinately. To get out of the phase you have to take down vashj's shield. Every minute or so a tainted elemental will spawn at the bottem of the steps but not move. You have to kill it and loot the Tainted Core from it. Once you pick it up you cannot move but can throw the core to someone else. You have to get the core to the center of the platform and used on one of the 4 shield generators. When a generator goes down Vashj takes 5% damage. When all 4 are down Phase three starts which is like phase one but a little different.
As you can probably see from my discription phase 2 is a pain in the neck and requires the ultimate multi tasking. As a ranged dps I have to kill the elementals, Try and loot the core when it comes up, and DPS the kited mob all at the same time. I think this is going to take a while to learn.
Anyway, I am very proud of the guild right now for the progress we have made hopefully we can keep it up. I don't have a toon update since they haven't done anything since my last post, but here is the loot from Leo.
[Gloves of the Vanquished Hero] x 2
[True-Aim Stalker Bands]
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Dragging Along
My frustration with the guild is also heightened by fact that I was passed over for some loot this week. The [Cord of Screaming Terrors] dropped this week but it was given to a relativly new warlock without a roll. The reason I was given was "he has come to every raid for two weeks and has a shit belt." I do not deny that he deserved a shot at the belt, but think I and several other people should have been given a shot also. I may not have been to as many raids recently but I usually make at least 3 out of 4 raids a week, my belt was only a little better than his, and he was a fairly new member being in the guild less than a month. Again, I am not saying that I should have gotten it or he shouldn't have. I just wanted a roll.
Toon Update:
Graylo - I have been getting in a couple of heroics a week with Graylo and was able to pick up one of the new badge rewards. I got the [Armwraps of the Kaldorei Protector]. The are a definate improvement over my old bracers [Bracers of the White Stag]. I basically gave up 3 or 4 Mp5 for about 25 damage. Not a bad trade in my opinion.
Graypal - I finally got him to 60. He is about half way through it right now and his progress is a little bet better now. However, I really have to watch getting ambushed my extra mobs. Its hard to go back to the idea that I have aggro range is so big now especially when fighting mobs 2 or 3 levels above me. I also got his Enchanting up to 300 but I still have a little ways go to on his tailoring.
Grayfel - I have talked about this for a couple of posts and I finally did it for good or for bad. He is a gnome as I had planned and I have gotten him to lvl 10. So far my experiance has been good. I like having the pet help me with damage but I am really looking forward to getting the void reaver to tank for me. I also still plan on taking up Jewelcrafting but I didn't realize before that I would have to go all the way to Exodar to pick it up.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving.
I had high hopes for Monday. All of SSC was cleared except for Leo and Vashj, and most of the guild thought that we could get Leo down and hopefully get a couple of attempts in on Vashj. Unforunately it was not ment to be. Our warlock tank, who has all the fire resist gear was sick and couldn't log in to work on Leo. I wasn't sure if we were going to do anything because we didn't have very high attendence online, due to the holiday being so close. However, we were able to get 25 online and we ended up heading to VR. We hadn't done VR in months so it took a little bit of work but we ended up downing him. We also decided to get a couple of attempts in on Astromancer, but didn't have enough time to work out the kinks.
I don't know what happend the rest of the week because I was out of town, but I doubt anything big. We as a guild did clear ZA but I was not involved. All in all a pretty slow week.
Toon Update:
Not much to say. Graylo is pretty much the same as he always has been. No new gear, no new recipies. Graypal is about halfway to 60. I am trying to grind him there but it is boring as hell. I thought my interest in him would pick up when I hit Outland but it really hasn't. He feels really fragile right now. I realize that I am running a level 59 toon through level 60-62 content, but that doesn't mean that it is fun. Hopefully, it will pick up after he gets geared up a little bit. I am also really itching to start that Warlock I talked about earlier.
Friday, November 16, 2007
WA needs to Focus.
I sat out Tuesday, to spend time with my family and I expected the guild to do only old content by clearing to Leo. However, much to my dismay the decided to do Lurker, Tidwalker, and then Leo. Its not that big of a deal but I get a bigger thrill out of being in the first kill Screenshots then I do about getting loot. This is a good think since I share a tier token with mostly tanks and healers.
They put some very good attempts in on Leo, but didn't get him down. I think their best attempt got him down to 3%. Our biggest issue seems to be how to deal with the last 15%. It seems like most of the DPS panics and trys to do as much DPS as quick as possible but forgets to do the normal things like avoiding the Whirlwind and watching aggro. Not a huge deal, we just need to get a little more practice on him.
Wednesday was our down day. First off, we had quite a few technical issues. Our MT couldn't log on because of some one didn't pay his bill. Our lead healer was having big connection issues because he was playing from a hotel. Several other people were having issues with a losing power in their house. All of his caused the raid to go very slow and because a few mental lapses we couldn't get Hydross down. The raid ended up being called early, so I was able to do the Heroic daily quest and the BG daily quest. So, it wasn't a total loss.
Thursday started out looking like it was going to go well also, but it turned itself around. We were going to try Hydross again, but we weren't getting a lot of healers on line. Plus a few of the newer people were complaining that we didn't do Gruul's anymore. So we headed to Gruul's hoping that we could at least get that done. It went pretty well.
Got High King down and two of the warlocks got the shoulders they needed. We then started chain pulling to Gruul and got him down in one shot. The funny thing was that the raid MT died with Gruul at about 20%. This just proves how much you can do with better gear. He kept killing the next person on the aggro list but it would take him a little while and we were able to burn him down. He dropped two pieces of the WPD tier but no one need them. I ended up getting one of them and will probably use it for my Feral gear.
After Gruul's was done most people thought the raid would be called and we would break into ZA groups, but the Healing lead decided that we could do Hydross with 6 healers and one of our Shaman decided to respec back to resto. I think we got him down in 3 attempts so it went pretty well. The biggest issue in the first two attempts was that with our Frost resist tank. Our guild MT's account was still down but he was able to play on another guild members account since he had to leave. What we didn't realize was that he didn't have as much frost resist as the MT. We were able to adjust by pulling him out of the beams early and downed him quickly.
We then went to try Fathom-Lord. We wiped a few times because the tank assigned to FL didn't really have the gear to reduce the damage enough and died. However, after we changed tanks everything when well. Unfortunately for me he dropped two pieces of PRS tier legs, but they need the gear also.
The good news is that we have all of Monday for Leo. Hopefully we will be able to get him down quickly and maybe we will be able to get a few attempts in on Vashj.
After the raid I did the first two bosses in ZA and made some attempts on the 3rd. I don't have a lot of experience with it yet but it seems like a cool instance so far.
2.3 First impressions:
- Mail Boxes: I love how you can now attach 12 times to a letter.
- Rebirth: The cool down reductions is much more noticeable than I expected.
- Wizard Oil: 60 minutes is great.
- Mad Alchemist Potion: Very underwhelming for a raiding caster.
- BG Daily Quest: It is very nice but I kept running into premades yesterday.
- Heroic Daily Quest: I love the reward and I am able to get guildies to run more, but I thought there would be more demand in the LFG tool.
- Intensity Buff: It is very nice to have an extra 25 Mp5.
Toon Update:
Graylo - I've decided to try and get his Fishing up to 300. I was at 245 yesterday and was able to get him to 265 in 50 minutes of fishing. I don't really like fishing but I want to be able to fish for the motes and food in outland. So it looks like I have another 2 hours of fishing in Azeroth before I can start.
Graypal - Absolutely nothing except for rested XP. I may try and get him up this weekend since we have a holiday week next week. I don't want to have any wasted down time.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
1% OMG!!!!!!
Here is a little background. WA is not one of those guilds that has a core 25-30 people that show up to every raid. For us it is more like 35-40 people that show up to 75% of the raids. As a result even though we tried this fight 3 different nights we still had people learning the fight for the first time on the third night. With this in mind, even though a 1% wipe sucks, I am happy with the effort. The main issue we seem to be having so far is how DPS deals with the whirlwind and how they deal with the threat dumps. The tanks could have done a little better with picking him up after the threat dumbs but that is understandably hard after he starts running around because they are have dots on him or start dpsing to soon. We just need to be able to stay alive a little longer and we will have him down.
Loot: I was only present for the Tidewalker downing and I can't remember what the drops were. Needless to say none of them were for me. Fathom-Lord dropped 2 pieces of the WPD token which makes me happy even though I wasn't there. Even if I was there I probably wouldn't have gotten them since both went to tanks. At least it means less competition for the next time it drops.
Patch 2.3: The day has finally arrived. Nothing really huge for me as a moonkin, but still has some nice things. It doesn't really change much for me since I don't have enough badges to get any of the gear I want. I have 23 which is enough for the relic but I'm not sure if I want it. I may just save up to get the belt, boots or bracers. Anyway, I will do a more in depth post after I see the official patch notes.
Toon Update:
Graylo - Did some Heroic over the weekend and finally got the [Blackened Urn] to summon Nightbane. I will also get a great gem the next time I kill him. Other than that, not much happened.
Graypal - I got him up to just over 59, and he is now in Outland. As I said I would I took him to Outland at 58. It was a little strange but wasn't hard to do the quests. I am so used to Graylo being able to destroy mobs even ones that are a level or two higher then him with no problem. Graypal has made me go back and force myself to be careful. Plus, a level 58 mob in Outland is not the same as a level 58 mob in Azeroth. So it was a little strange to have to worry about patroling mobs again. Anyway, I went from 58 to 59 questing in HFC. I kind of wanted to get him to 60 before the patch as a matter of pride for having leveled two toons before the leveling nerf, but I guess this is close enough. I went 99% of the way. I think I am also planning on getting a lot of rested xp and grinding to level 60. I have found a couple of quests in my guide that I can't accept until I'm sixty and I really don't want to to them out of order. With rested xp and the leveling nerf I should only have to kill150 or so mobs.
Anyway, that is it for now. If you read my blog please post a comment. I just like to know if anyone sees it.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Rough couple of days.
On Thursday we spent 3 hours wiping on him where our best attempt got all 3 adds down but didn't have much dps left for Fathom-Lord. Sad part is that was the only attempt where we got all the adds down. On Monday we did get him down but we wiped for a couple of hours before had. I don't like to call people out (not that anyone reads this blog), but it seems like the main issue was with our healers. A majority of our wipes were caused by losing one of our tanks early or losing a lot of people when switching from the Hunter add to the priest add. The healers would clump together and all get hit by the tornado. Then they would not be able to heal because they were up in the air. Then in transition they wouldn't know who to heal. Plus, some of the healers would stand in range of the Fathom-Lord Spitfire totem and get killed.
Finally after a little yelling from the guild leadership people figured out that this fight requires a little mobility and a little attention to your situation. All of our issues made me wonder if our first kill was a bit of fluke and that we really didn't know the fight yet. Hopefully our troubles this week have helped some of the lessons sink in and that we don't have a whole lot of trouble next week.
Needless to say we didn't get any attempts in on Al'ar or Leo this week.
[Leggings of the Vanquished Hero] x 2
[Frayed Tether of the Drowned]
[Pattern: Boots of the Long Road]
Toon Update:
Graylo - A couple of cool things have happened since my last post. First, he discovered how to make the [Flask of Fortification]. Obviously, I have no plans for making this for my self since I don't have any tanks but it means that I have only one flask left to discover. Second, Graylo joined a 5v5 team. I think I am much more suited for 5v5 then I am for the other arena combinations. I find that I am not the main target right of the bat and I can put out a lot of DPS before they discover that I am killing them. Not to mention that the number of points you get is a lot better for 5v5. Maybe I will be able to get up to 3000 points before season 3 starts and I will able to get a couple of pieces of Merciless gear at the cheaper prices.
Graypal - I spent a lot of time on Graypal this weekend and he still has a ton of rested XP. I started only 2 bars from 55. When I dinged I saw that I had a whole level of rested xp which wasn't that surprising. However when I dinged 56 I still had over half a level of rested xp. In the end I got him about half way through 56 and I still have 7 or 8 bars of rested XP. I also did quite a bit to level his Enchanting and Tailoring. I got both up to 275. I've also decided that as soon as I hit 58 I am empting my quest log and heading to HFP. It might be a little ruff to start but I just don't think I can wait. There really isn't a reason to not go to Outland anymore. The gear from Pre-BC quests sucks, with the reduction to the Heroic requirements I don't need to save the Quest rep, and the XP is so much better in outland. Plus, with all the rested XP that Graypal builds up I will still probably hit 70 fairly early with a lot of quests left to earn gold.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Back to Normal
The first phase isn't that hard but we did need a little experience to figure out the Fire Quill ability. For those of you that don't know, randomly through out the fight he will fly to the center of the room and nuke the top floor where he is tanked. To avoid it the tanks have to jump down, but they will be nuked unless they are touching the bottom floor. The problem we had was that he always seemed to do the Fire Quill when he was being tanked at the fourth position and it was hard to tell if he was flying across to the first position or doing the Fire Quill. As a result we kept loosing a tank. However, after we figured out what to look for it was easy. If he is going across he flies low. If he is doing the Fire Quill he flies high.
The second phase is significantly more difficult. Most of our problems here centered around the meteor and the adds it brings. One people wouldn't spread out enough and would get rocked by the meteor. Then we had a problem with getting both adds to the add tank, and had split dps on the adds. This should be a little easier once we get our pally tank in there, but we also need to set up some sort of assist for the DPS so that we focus on one target. Anyway it should go a little better next time.
We also worked on SSC a little this week. We have gotten down Hydross, Lurker, and Tidewalker, but not Fathom-Lord yet. Hydross and Fathom-Lord are not going as smoothly as we hope they would after we downed them, but this is not entirely unreasonable. For one, it has been a week since we downed them, so it isn't really fresh in our minds. Secondly, there were probably 5 or 6 people that were not there for the first downing. So there still was a bit of a learning curve. So, while I wish that things were going quicker, overall I am happy with our progress.
Toon Update:
Graylo - The biggest thing here is that Graylo is finally exalted with Netherwing. It is not that big of deal since I won't use the mount that much. Epic flight form is much better on all accounts. However, it does feel like an accomplishment. I probably still go out there quite a bit though. The Nether Pollen is a great source of Motes of mana and I also get quite a bit of Fel Lotus there. And it is a great source of money.
Graypal - He is a little stuck right now. I can't find a good block of time to put a lot of work into him and he has a lot of rested xp right now. Hopefully I will be able to do something with him this weekend, but I am kind of busy with other things so probably not.
On a side note, I have been really tempted to start a warlock recently. He would probably be a Gnome, because I haven't played a gnome yet, named Grayfel. I would probably level him with Demonology and make him a Mining Jewelcrafter.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Hydross as left the building.
To be honest I am a little surprised that we downed him after only two hours of making attempts. 1. After reading the strategy guides it sounded harder than it was. I think the adds sounded harder then they were. 2. We downed Tidewalker and Fathom-Lord relatively quickly this week but we had put in a lot of attempts on both on other nights. Since this was the first night we put in any attempts in on Hydross I thought it might take a little longer than it did.
Hydross was really pretty easy. I thought it would be difficult to keep DPS up at a high level because of the frequent aggro dumps and adds, but that wasn't the problem at all. In fact our biggest problem was the exact opposite. Ranged DPS has to be very careful not to pull aggro off the tank which is very easy because Hydross dump aggro every time he changes forms. Unlike other bosses, pulling aggro not only kills you but guarantees a wipe. Pulling aggro will usually cause him to change form which will summon 4 more adds. Then after he kills you he starts running around because no one has aggro on him and he change forms a few more times, summoning more adds. This is really easy to avoid though as long as DPS pays attention.
[Scarab of Displacement]
[Ranger-General's Chestguard]
[Idol of the Crescent Goddess]
We will probably start working on Leotheras the Blind on Monday, and I must say I am excited. I may be getting a little over-optimistic but after our performance on Hydross I think we can figure Leo out quickly and get him down on Monday. The Hydross and Leo have some similar issues and our recent experience should be some help. Leo also has two phases and dumps aggro very frequently. The biggest question mark in my mind is his Inner Demon ability. During his demon phase Leo will select 3 random people and summon a demon for each of them that only that person can hit. If you do not down your Inner Demon in 30 seconds or so then you are mind controlled for the rest of the fight and you cannot get out if it. The Inner Demons are not that tough, but they could pose a problem for Healers since they are not geared for DPS.
I've also read up on the Vashj fight since we might make an attempt or two if we down Leo. I must say that fight sounds hard.
Toon Update:
Graylo got [Malefic Mask of the Shadows] from High King for feral gear but not much improvement other than that.
Graypal hasn't done anything since the last update.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
I didn't raid on Tuesday and the guild downed Lurker and Tidewalker. Lurker was a one-shot and I think they did Tidewalker in 3 shots. This is very selfish of me but I'm happy that Lurker didn't drop the belt I want.
Last night, we did Fathom-Lord and Mag, and it was a night of Last Attempts. We used the old content strategy again where we gave Mag an hour and where going to move on after that whether we downed him or not. A lot of the people in raid hadn't done Mag before so it took a few attempts to get the banish down, but the adds went pretty well all 3 or 4 attempts. In my opinion the adds are the hardest part of that fight. However, we downed him on the last attempt before we left for SSC.
The Fathom-Lord fight took a bit more, since we where still working out our strategy and positioning. Most of the strats I've read on it have you doing Hunter, Shaman, Priest, boss, but we did the Shaman first to get rid of the totems and then hunter second. The hardest part of his fight is really the first two adds. After a few attempts we figured out how to get the totems down quickly and we would get about half way through the hunter but would end up whiping due to healers dying. However, once we changed their positioning a little it was easy because the healers were able to heal each other. After the hunter the priest is cake. The tank and one Warlock got her close to 50% before the raid got to her. When we finally got to Fathom-Lord it was pretty much a tank and spank. We had to deal with the totems of course that that is easy after downing the shaman. It is probably also more stressful on the healers because the tank will take so much extra damage but there are a lot of them to heal only a few targets.
All in all it was a very good night. I need to go and read up on Hydross some more since it has been a while since I looked at those strats. With a little bit of luck we should be able to get him down this week also and maybe get a few attempts in on Leo.
[Leggings of the Vanquished Champion] - Fathom-Lord
[Leggings of the Vanquished Defender] - Fathom-Lord
[Soul-Strider Boots] - Fathom-Lord
[Chestguard of the Fallen Champion] x 2 - Magtheridon
[Magtheridon's Head] - Magtheridon
[Glaive of the Pit] - Magtheridon
[Eye of Magtheridon] - Magtheridon
I didn't get any of the loot but I did want the T5 pants and the Eye of Magtheridon. I was out rolled on the Eye and the T5 pants went to one of our main healers because it was our first set of T5 pants. It is very understand able that Healers and Tanks get gear first but It kind of sucks for me because almost every one else that wants my tier piece is a healer or a tank. Oh well, I will get it eventually.
Toon Update:
Graylo - Raiding and Farming. Nothing special.
Graypal - Got him to about 2 bars from 54. It really pissed me off yesterday when I realized that I had destroyed a quest item I needed. It was a flare gun you need to summon a guy to turn in a quest. So, I had to go all the way to IF from Azshara and back. Luckily I was able to get a guildie to port me from Darn to IF and back. Anyway, he is now off to Felwood, and hopefully I can get someone to run me through ST soon so I can complete the Priest quest for the wand.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
TIDEWALKER DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We also downed Gruul's last night before we did Tidewalker. We took a new approach to the old content that I really like. At the start of the raid our GM said that we are giving Gruul's 1 hour. If we don't clear it in that time, then we are headed to SSC anyway. We cut it a little close but we did it. Hopefully we can extend this practice to Mag also since there is a lot of good gear in there that even some of the guild vets need.
Anyway here are the drops:
[Ring of Sundered Souls] - Tidewalker
[Razor-Scale Battlecloak] - Tidewalker
[Girdle of the Tidal Call] - Tidewalker
[Pauldrons of the Fallen Hero] - High King
[Pauldrons of the Fallen Champion] - High King
[Maulgar's Warhelm] - High King
[Leggings of the Fallen Defender] - Gruul
[Leggings of the Fallen Champion] - Gruul
[Collar of Cho'gall] - Gruul
[Aldori Legacy Defender] - Gruul
Patch 2.3:
I have to say I am getting more excited about Patch 2. 3. They keep coming out with little things that make me happy. I am also really excited about the Daily Heroic instance quests. I think this will really help me get groups to get badges and rep.
Q: Will Blizz ever give moonkin indoor roots?
A: "It's something that is possible for Wrath of the Lich King, but it's difficult to say for certain at this point. " - Eyonix, & "I've been on the campaign for quite some time." - Eyonix (source)
For those of you that don't know, Eyonix leveled a Moonkin not to long ago. At first he defended a lot of Blizzard's moonkin design choices saying that Itemization was fine and that he had no problems getting in groups even without an indoor CC. However, he went silent about his moonkin activities. Hopefully this means he is feeling some of the frustrations that Moonkin feel and has pushed him to advocate for us.
His response is very wishy washy but the fact that there was a blue response at all is great. It shows that we have an advocate. Don't get me wrong I am not one of those moonkin that wants every thing under the sun. I think our damage is good and our itemization isn't bad if you are willing to wear cloth. However, I think Moonkin have a few rough edges that could be smoothed with a few small changes. One of them is the CC issue. Having indoor roots as a high level balance talent would make us a lot more viable for 5-man instances. I should do a moonkin improvement post later.
Toon Update:
Graylo - Just what I've posted above. Raiding and Heroics mainly. Graylo hasn't gotten any new gear in a while, but to be honest there isn't a whole lot that I want that is really available. I only need Feral and Resto gear from Kara, Gruul's lair has a belt I wouldn't mind having but I want the belt off of Lurker even more. Mag has a great trinket but we haven't done him in a while. Other than T5 gear there isn't a whole lot in SSC that I want. Its not a big deal though. I am pretty happy with my gear right now.
Graypal - Got him up to about half way through 53, and still had quite a bit of rested xp left. It was funny I started the weekend with about 3 or 4 bars left in 51. I knew I had a lot of rested xp, but when I dinged 52 I realized that Graypal had a whole level of rested xp. When I dinged 53, I had a little less than half a level of rested xp. I guess I was off for a little while. It is getting harder to level him because I can't do short trips with him. The zones I am now questing in have really long quest circuits and no Inns. Plus my guide says to keep my Hearth in Darn right now so I can't hearth back to an Inn easily. All of this means I feel like I need several hours to dedicate to him to make it worth while. I can't wait to get him to Outland.
On a positive note, I have come to some conclusions on how I will play in Outland. My original plan was to respec Holy and try and level in instances. Leaving the quests until I had max out the rep I could get from instances. The main goal of this was to learn priest healing and to make it easier to get the Heroic keys. However, I have come to enjoy shadow and I am not sure how much I would raid with Graypal no matter what spec he is. The good news is that Blizzard has taken away the concern about Heroic Keys. They will become purchaseable at Honored when patch 2.3 comes out. So no more long instance grinds just to get keys